2012 Rev James and Barbara Reuteler
卫神前院长,James Reuteler 牧师夫妇,于 2012年8月30日前来拜访我们。
Rev James and Barbara Reuteler, MTS Past Principal (1975), visited MTS on 30th August 2012.
2012 Rev Ting Huat Ung | 陈发文牧师
Rev Ting Huat Ung taught an intensive course on N.T. Exegesis: Mark in late August and early September 2012.
2012 Mr Wang Tao and Family | 王涛先生合家
Mr Wang Tao and family from Papua New Guinea visited MTS on 20th August 2012.
2012 7th STMS College Graduation Service | 第七届大专短宣结业礼
7th STMS College Graduation Service was held at Wesley Methodist Church at 3.00pm on 17th August 2012.
2012 Pontianak Visitors | 坤甸访客
On 17th August 2012, a group of brothers and sisters from Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia, visited us.
2012 Kuantan Methodist Church Visitors | 关丹卫理公会访客
On 15th August 2012, brothers and sisters from the Senior Citizen Fellowship of Kuantan Methodist Church visited us.