2012 Jakarta Visitors | 雅加达访客
于2012年8月9日,印尼雅加达以马内利堂的弟兄姐妹在 Bachtiar 主任牧师带领之下前来拜访我们。
On 9th August 2012, brothers and sisters from Imanuel Methodist Church, Jakarta, Indonesia, visited us. Bishop Bachtiar, Senior Pastor of the church, led the team.
2012 第七届卫斯理神学研讨会 | 7th Wesleyan Seminar
7th Wesleyan Seminar was held from 30th July 2012 (Mon) to 1st August 2012 (Tue) at Wesley Methodist Church.
2012 MTS Night Bintangor | 民丹莪卫神之夜
2012 Rev Herb Ireland and Rev Daryl Ireland
来自美国芝加哥的 Herb Ireland 牧师(右二)和 Daryl Ireland 牧师(左一)于2012年7月30日前来拜访我们。Herb Ireland 牧师是曾在拿撒勒人教会服事 35 年。他的儿子 Daryl Ireland 牧师目前在波斯顿大学进修博士学位课程。
On 30th July 2012, Rev Herb Ireland (second from right) and Rev Daryl Ireland (first from left) from Chicago, United States, visited us. Rev Herb Ireland was a pastor for the Church of the Nazarene for 35 years. His son, Rev Daryl Ireland, currently is undergoing his doctorate studies at Boston University.
2012 第七届大专短宣结业礼邀请
2012 Parents' Day and Birthday Celebration | 孝亲节和生日会庆祝
On 12th July 2012, MTS celebrated Parents' and Birthday (for July to December).