2013 Dedication Camp Sibu | 诗巫献身营
2013 诗巫献身营于3月23日8.00am于卫神礼拜堂进行。
2013 Dedication Camp Sibu was held at 8.00am on 23rd March at MTS Chapel.
2013 诗巫献身营于3月23日8.00am于卫神礼拜堂进行。
2013 Dedication Camp Sibu was held at 8.00am on 23rd March at MTS Chapel.
2012 诗巫献身营于3月17日早上8点于卫神礼拜堂进行。当天的分享者有江昌龙牧师、徐希忠牧师和李芯仪音乐干事。
2012 Sibu Dedication Camp was held on 17th March at 8.00am at MTS Chapel. Rev Kong Chong Ling, Rev Sii Hee Tiong and Music Director Karen Lee Shin Yi shared on that morning.
2011 诗巫献身营已于3月12日早上8点于卫神礼拜堂进行。当天有刘世尧牧师、陈燕萍牧师和刘泽意音乐干事分享。
2011 Sibu Dedication Camp was held on 12th March at 8.00am at MTS Chapel. Rev Thomas Lau, Rev Ting Yeng Ping and Ms Lau Jeck Yee shared on that day.
卫神全体中文部于2010年6月26日2.30pm假亚庇神恩堂进行献身营 。
The lecturers and students of MTS Chinese Department organized a dedication camp on 26th June 2010 at 2.30pm at Shern En Methodist Church, Kota Kinabalu.
2010 诗巫献身营已于2010年3月20日8.00am于卫神礼拜堂进行。
2010 Dedication Camp Sibu has been held on 20th March 2010 at 8.00am at MTS Chapel.
The dedication camp in conjuction with MTS Night Miri was held on 28th June 2009 at 2.00pm at Hwai En Methodist Church. Rev Lau Chu Ee, Rev Wong Hin Hung and Mdm Bong Wui Choo shared in this camp.
2009 Sibu Dedication Camp was held on 21st March 2009 at 8.15am at MTS Chapel.