2006 做在最小的身上 | Do for One of the Least
This is one of the projects of the students of the Theology of Worship class, Do for One of the Least.
And we proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ. And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me. (Colossians 1:28-29)
我们传扬祂,是用诸般的智慧,劝戒各人,教导各人,要把各人在基督里完完全全的引到神面前。我也为此劳苦,照着祂在我里面运用的大能,尽心竭力。 (歌罗西书 1:28-29)
Nya alai kami nusui pasal Kristus ngagai semua mensia. Kami ngelalau sereta ngajar genap iku orang, ngena semua penemu ti dalam, ngambika ulih mai genap iku orang ngagai Allah Taala lalu tau cukup mansang besaum enggau Kristus. Ngambika utai nya dikerja, aku gawa enggau bendar, ngena pengering enggau kuasa ti datai ari Kristus, ti endang bisi dalam aku. (Kolosi 1:28-29)
Spirit-empowered training for God's people to be Christ-like leaders and servants in proclaiming Christ as ministers, missionaries, musicians, and laity, to the glory of God.
By being a holistic training centre to serve the Church and the world.
This is one of the projects of the students of the Theology of Worship class, Do for One of the Least.
This is one of the projects of the students of the Theology of Worship class, Soar as the Eagle.
This is one of the projects of the students of the Theology of Worship class, Returning Lord.
This is one of the projects of the students of the Theology of Worship class, Return to Lord.
The 4th year Theological students were in charge of the morning devotion on 16 February 2006. They presented a drama.
宗旨: 預備有志獻身唸神學的新生熟讀聖經,學習語言,吸取社會工作經驗,使他們更成熟和有信心進入神學正科教育。
1. 申請者必須重生得救、清楚蒙召獻身于耶穌基督及主的教會,作傳福音的工作。
2. 申請者必須表明自己品行端正、身體健壯、克苦耐勞、口齒清晰、文筆通順及愿意過肢體生活。
3. 申請者必須有學歷證書(至少SPM二等成績)以證明其有足夠能力可以研讀神學及吸收知識。
1. 申請者必須詳細填完學院的報名表格一份,同時要附寄:
- 蒙恩(講明你怎樣成為基督徒)及蒙召(講明你怎樣清楚神呼召你獻身)見證各一篇(約一千字)
- 複印一份SPM或以上畢業成績表
- 最近三個月內的半身相片兩張
- 教會主理或代理牧師或傳道之推薦信一封
- 體格檢驗證明書一份(用學院發出的表格)
開課日期: 二零零六年六月十二日
報名截止日期: 四月三十日
卫理神学院乘著大专学院假期,将在2006年五至六开办第一届大专短宣学校。 此短宣学校的宗旨是:
1. 清楚重生得救,受洗或入会(有事奉者优先考虑)
2. 在学之大专生或大专毕业生
3. 年龄至少21岁以上,身体健壮、精神与心理正常。
4. 有顺服的心,受训不半途而废,爱人灵魂的心和同甘共苦的心。
5. 必须有堂会牧师或传道人之正式推荐(阅附上之表格)。
P.O.Box 78, 96007 Sibu, Sarawak.
询问电话:084-321409 传真:084-341409