2007 斯里阿曼卫神之夜
卫神全体师生已于2007年7月27日 (星期五) 7.15pm 假斯里阿曼新恩堂进行卫神之夜。
The lecturers and students of MTS has conducted the MTS Night at Sri Aman Sing Eng Methodist Church at 7.15 pm on 27th July 2007 (Friday).
And we proclaim Him, admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, that we may present every man complete in Christ. And for this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me. (Colossians 1:28-29)
我们传扬祂,是用诸般的智慧,劝戒各人,教导各人,要把各人在基督里完完全全的引到神面前。我也为此劳苦,照着祂在我里面运用的大能,尽心竭力。 (歌罗西书 1:28-29)
Nya alai kami nusui pasal Kristus ngagai semua mensia. Kami ngelalau sereta ngajar genap iku orang, ngena semua penemu ti dalam, ngambika ulih mai genap iku orang ngagai Allah Taala lalu tau cukup mansang besaum enggau Kristus. Ngambika utai nya dikerja, aku gawa enggau bendar, ngena pengering enggau kuasa ti datai ari Kristus, ti endang bisi dalam aku. (Kolosi 1:28-29)
Spirit-empowered training for God's people to be Christ-like leaders and servants in proclaiming Christ as ministers, missionaries, musicians, and laity, to the glory of God.
By being a holistic training centre to serve the Church and the world.
卫神全体师生已于2007年7月27日 (星期五) 7.15pm 假斯里阿曼新恩堂进行卫神之夜。
The lecturers and students of MTS has conducted the MTS Night at Sri Aman Sing Eng Methodist Church at 7.15 pm on 27th July 2007 (Friday).
2007年礼拜与音乐科的音乐发表会已于8月6日7.15pm 假卫神礼堂举行。当晚发表的同学有陈其灵(钢琴)、刘泽意(钢琴)及陈凤仙(声乐)。声乐伴奏为林垂正老师。各指导老师则为陈亦煌讲师、林垂正老师及徐传勇老师。
- 卫理报653期: 卫神音乐系学生演奏会
The 2007 Junior Recital for the Worship and Music Course has been held on 6th August at 7.15pm at MTS Chapel. The recital featured Ting Kee Ling (piano), Lau Jeck Yee (piano) and Ting Fung Sieng (voice). The accompanist was Mr Thomas Ling. The instructors were Miss Cecilia Ting, Mr Thomas Ling and Mr Andrew Sii.
We celebrated the birthday of our Principal, Rev Dr Tie King Tai, on 3rd August 2007.
On 3rd August 2007 morning, MTS community had a commissioning service for Rev Lau Sie Ngiu and family. We prayed that God will help them to have a humbling and obeying heart for God, and a heart to listen to the voice of God. Rev Lau Sie Ngiu is the faculty-in-development for MTS. Rev Lau Sie Ngiu and family will be leaving for United States of America for his master degree.
第一届大专短宣短宣诗班于短宣结业礼: 诗篇第146篇。
The 1st Batch of STMS College Choir at their graduation service: Psalm 146
The 2007 Community Basketball Match has begun at 5.15pm on 9th July 2007. There will be a match everyday for the coming few weeks. There are altogether eight teams: MTS, Methodist Children's Home, Methodist Pilley Institute, and five other teams consisted of basketball players playing at MTS basketball court.
卫神全体师生已于2007年7月28日 (星期六) 7.30pm 假古晋晋光堂进行卫神之夜。
The lecturers and students of MTS has conducted the MTS Night at Kuching Ching Kwong Methodist Church at 7.30 pm on 28th July 2007 (Saturday).
卫理报 655期: 为主去寻找和喂养